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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We're enjoying spring

It's been a while since I've posted.  I have to say that we've been busy enjoying all the beautiful weather.  Who wants to be on the computer when it's so gorgeous outside?  We have managed to take a few pictures.  This is curently my favorite:

Now get outside and enjoy yourself and all that God has created for us!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Picture of the day

Here is my picture of the day.  It was actually taken yesterday as the sun was going down...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Why not?

It seems that everyone has a blog these days, so why not me?  I joined a photography community earlier this week, and in order to be approved, I had to have either a website or a blog.  I gave them the address for our future website.  They emailed me back to ask if I was a spammer...well, they didn't exactly ask, but indicated that was their concern.  And I totally get it!  They approved me, and I submitted a photo for a contest.  I guess I will change my info to include this blog...and I guess I will have to keep up with it.

The contest is over at iheartfaces.  The theme is flowers.  Check out the site here.  I have learned a lot from poking around!  I had to join the community in order to view and submit photos.  They have lots of fantastic of photos!  I highly recommend it.

Here's the photo I submitted:

Enjoy your day!

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