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Friday, April 9, 2010

Why not?

It seems that everyone has a blog these days, so why not me?  I joined a photography community earlier this week, and in order to be approved, I had to have either a website or a blog.  I gave them the address for our future website.  They emailed me back to ask if I was a spammer...well, they didn't exactly ask, but indicated that was their concern.  And I totally get it!  They approved me, and I submitted a photo for a contest.  I guess I will change my info to include this blog...and I guess I will have to keep up with it.

The contest is over at iheartfaces.  The theme is flowers.  Check out the site here.  I have learned a lot from poking around!  I had to join the community in order to view and submit photos.  They have lots of fantastic of photos!  I highly recommend it.

Here's the photo I submitted:

Enjoy your day!


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